Art e Dossier

Art Gallery

David Fochi: biography

Born on December 29 1981 in Parma. Later moved to Massa, at the age of 14 he started attending the Istituto Statale d'Arte Felice Palma, division sculpture and plastic decoration, student of Prof. Silvestri. During five years he took part in many contests in which distinguished himself in 1999 winning the contest “Mortai d'Autore”, promoted by Giordano Baudoni's Nuova Marmotecnica. In the same year, he took a period of training in G.Caponi repair studio in Pisa. In 2000 he took part in the restoration of Fantacchiotti's “Strage degli Innocenti”, and in the organization of the exhibition Opera Ritrovata (Bottega Fiorentina restored works by Fratelli Fantacchiotti Gabrielli), supervised by prof. Silvestri and by whole Sculpture & Decoration section Plast. In March 2000 he was selected for a stage between School and Business "Progetto e Scultura: il Mosaico”. At New Sim Italy he was promoted by the team manager Sergio Menchetti and by the artist Giovanni Ragazzi (mosaicist). At the end of course the artistic works were placed in the flooring inside Gabrielli's workshop in Forte dei Marmi. In the same year he was selected to follow a sculpture stage at Poletti e Ghio in Carrara. In 2001 he worked in the anthological exhibition dedicated to the sculptor of the nineteenth century Pietro Freccia, in the role of photographer, restorer, stager. The exhibition was located in the rooms of Palazzo ducale in Massa and in the Gallery of Modern art splendid halls of Palazzo Pitti in Florence. In November 2001 he started attending the Accademia di Belle arti in Carrara, course of sculpture, in charge of prof. Franco Mauro Franchi and the assistant Marchetti. In four years he organized a collective exhibition named Riflessi di Luce at Amadeus Cafè in Lido di Camaiore, an exposition of watercolors and drawings (the subject was the female body naked). In 2005 he collaborated on INFIERI, Biennale Accademica, realizing a promo video for the artist and exposing a canvas (300x100cm). In 2006 he organized an exhibition in the great hall of Istituto statale d'arte in Massa, named Andata e Ritorno (the subject was the developed between myth and Nordic legends). In July 2006 he took a degree in sculpture at Accademia di Belle arti in Carrara.
The most appreciated of all sculptures are the Marvel characters tribute an italian comics like Venom, Ratman, and a new style approach in the sculptures named Twins.

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