Art e Dossier

Art Gallery

Maria Rosaria Dalessio: biography

Nata nel 1954 a Bedford in Inghilterra da genitori italiani, immigrati nel 1952. Sin dal primo momento in cui riuscì a tenere in mano una matita o una penna o un pastello dimostrò un amore ed un'attitudine particolare per il disegno. Da sempre nutre una grande passione sia per il disegno che per la pittura.

Frequentò per quattro anni la Barnfield College of Art & Technology seguendo un corso di design di moda, terminatasi in una sfilata che debutta alla London Academy. Ha lavorato per diversi anni inizialmente come assistant designer, poi come designer per note aziende di moda londinesi.

Le vie tortuose della vita spesso ci portano a prendere strade non previste, e quindi lasciò la carriera di designer e “immigrò” nel paese dei genitori: l'Italia, dove iniziò e l’insegnamento dell’inglese. Tuttavia, Il disegno e la pittura rimangono il primo amore e ora dipinge principalmente quadri a olio e acrilici su tela o legno, acquerelli e disegni a matita o carboncino. Per una personale aspirazione sta studiando l’antica tecnica dell’affresco. I soggetti preferiti sono le persone, i volti, ma anche la natura, i panorami, gli alberi, la campagna, il mare e le barche.
Ha partecipato a diverse mostre ed estemporanee locali e a una mostra collettiva al Cà Bianca Club.

Vincitore in un concorso internazionale di spazio espositivo alla Soho Gallery New York


Born in 1954 in Bedford, UK of Italian immigrant family. Attended Barnfield College of Art & Technology, completing a four-year designer course with finals in a debut at the London Academy. After several years of working in the clothing industry, first as Assistant Designer then as Designer, for brand names based in London, life circumstances which sometimes brings one to follow unexpected paths, thus, at age 32 the artist immigrates to her parents country of origin and teaches English as a foreign language for several years.
A driving passion for Painting and drawing however has continued to inspire fine art paintings and drawings as well as clothing design. Currently, she is mostly painting “alla prima”, a techniques that involves no under coats, no drying phases but painting fresh from start to finish, in one sitting! But is she also has a personal objective that is to paint "A fresco" and is currently studying and further developing her skills in this ancient technique of applying paint to wet plaster.
Preferred media are oil, acrylic, watercolour painting, and pencil and charcoal /coloured pen drawing. Preferred subjects are portraits, people, land and seascapes, towns and villages.
In past years she has exhibited at various local shows and completions, including a group show at the famous Cà Bianca Club, Milan, and has been a winner in an international competition with a prize of one year’s hanging space at the SOHO gallery, New York.
One of my favourite quotation’s: "I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth."

Artist statement
I have always been fascinated by the visual arts for as long as I can remember and have always long to be able to create: form, colour, lines, curves, light/dark, contrast, subtle differences. I started out as a dress designer, which is probably what often brings me to the human figure or faces as a subject matter, but I also love landscapes and nature. As I became aware that my burning passion to create did not always involve only clothing creations, I took up drawing and painting again if a little later on in life. I am permanently in ore and stunned by the excellence of the old masters, and certainly the inspiration to draw or paint often comes from them, I am particularly inspired by the impressionist painters, but I do try to bring my own style to the things I am inspired to draw or paint, to sort of just let the ideas flow out and the pencil move across the paper almost as if with a life of its own, sometimes also like to create abstract works and let the paint splash on, and at times what begins as a slight idea turns into a finished work before I know it. I have a passion for drawing but I also love to paint, with watercolours, acrylics and oil, but I sometimes I do also like to experiment and mix these media. I also love the ancient “a fresco” technique, which I am currently studying under a local professional artist in order to perfect my technique.
