Art e Dossier

Art History

Masaccio: biography

Masaccio (Tommaso di ser Giovanni Cassai) was born at San Giovanni Valdarno around the end of 1401; he moved to Florence in 1419 and as of 1422 was already a member of the Guild of Physicians and Herbalists. The Giovenale Triptych that he painted for the church of San Pietro a Cascia in Regello dates from that same year. In 1424 he joined the Compagnia di San Luca, and with Masolino, painted Virgin and Child with St. Anne. The cooperation between the two artists continued in the frescoes in the Brancacci Chapel in the church of Santa Maria del Carmine. In 1426 the notary Giovanni di Colino degli Scarsi commissioned him to painted a polyptych (that has been dismantled) for the church of the Carmine in Pisa. The fresco of The Trinity in the church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence that suggests a real space in pictorial invention is the clearest achievement of Brunelleschian perspective in painting. Sometime around 1428 he joined Masolino in Rome and together they worked on the Colonna Altarpiece for the basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore and on the decorations for Cardinal Branda Castiglione’s chapel in the church of San Clement. Masaccio died in 1428 during a particularly unhealthy summer that caused thousands of deaths.

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